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Brahim Elboukhari & the Impact at Moulay Rachid

Brahim Elboukhari is an English teacher at Lycée Moulay Rachid in Erfoud, and an author and poet. He is one of the first teachers we worked with and was instrumental in pulling together the first library (the Purple Library).​

"Morocco Library Project had an impact that we didn’t expect on our students. Before the library, teachers used some small text to teach different items to their students especially at the level of English as a foreign language, and students were lost because they wanted to read but couldn’t find what to read. Some of them may have had access to some books or some online resources, but the problem was how to choose the books suitable for their age and level. These problems have been solved by the coming of the library.

In the 2015-16 school year, the number of books that were checked out by the students exceeds 400, which is a large number comparing with no books before the library. As a teacher, the library has been a great help for me and my students because I used the readers and other reading games to teach different elements. Six of my classes benefit from that, in addition to other classes from different levels with different teachers. Another important help came from the dictionaries that I used to teach vocabulary, reading, and writing.


Now, when other teachers and students see the library, they keep nagging their teachers and other administrative staff to build libraries. The Moulay Rachid Library is a great help to us." 

Our goal is to inspire the joy of reading and learning, and for young people in Morocco to know they can make a positive difference in this world. ​


Donations in the U.S. are tax deductible. 

We are grateful for your support.


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We manage Morocco Library Project as part of our 501c3 public charity nonprofit Oliveseed (EIN 82-1693564).

© 2014-22 Morocco Library Project

© 2017-22 Oliveseed Foundation

Palo Alto, California, USA

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